All Building Regulations for Your Project Are
Just a Click Away

We understand that dealing with building regulations can be tedious and complex, taking time away from your creative work in architecture. That’s why Luccid is here to help. Our AI assistant knows hundreds of building codes and regulations and can find only the ones relevant to your project. Simplify your planning process and avoid costly mistakes with Luccid’s comprehensive regulation knowledge, so you can focus on what truly matters: your creative vision.

Luccid AI Expert

Supported by:

Nemetschek Group
TUM Venture Lab

Avoid Double Work With a Simple Checklist

Back and forth with your team can slow you down. With Luccid, you can create a simple checklist of all the documents needed for an application. This streamlined process ensures you have everything in order from the start, reducing delays and allowing your team to be more efficient.

Luccid To-Do

Store Information, Comments, and Ideas With Notes

With Notes, you can effortlessly save information, comments, and ideas for later use. This feature helps you keep track of important details and inspirations, ensuring nothing is forgotten during the design process. Stay organized and enhance your workflow with Notes.

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